Milk thistle seeds: Are they safe to eat?
Traditionally used to treat liver conditions, milk thistle seeds are from the distinctive purple plant, known as silybum marianum. This striking plant is troublesome in gardens due to the aggressive speed at which it spreads, but the seeds have offered health benefits to people around the world for centuries.
Legend has it, the white spots on the plant’s prickly leaves are from the Virgin Mary’s milk.
But can you eat milk thistle seeds, and are they safe to eat? Well, that depends. We’ll explore which conditions might benefit from milk thistle seeds, and who should carefully consider their use.
Milk thistle seeds for the liver
The active ingredient in milk thistle seeds, silymarin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and has been used as a complementary therapy for generations to protect the liver from toxins, promote cell repair, and aid in the treatment of conditions such as cirrhosis, jaundice, fatty liver, and liver disease.
Milk thistle seeds for high cholesterol
High cholesterol increases a person’s risk of heart problems and stroke. Studies have shown that milk thistle seeds are effective in reducing cholesterol levels, with LDL and total cholesterol levels reduced after introducing milk thistle seeds to patients.
Milk thistle seeds for diabetes
Research suggests that blood sugar levels can be reduced by consuming milk thistle seeds. People who regularly take silymarin – the active ingredient in milk thistle seeds – experience a significant reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels. This has the added benefit of preventing the progression of complications associated with diabetes.
Before considering using milk thistle seeds to assist in the management of diabetes, talk with your doctor.
Can you eat milk thistle seeds?
This prickly plant may be the secret to improved liver health, reduced cholesterol and improved blood sugar. Sprinkle the seeds on top of a salad, or add them to your next smoothie for an extra hit of protein.